I am committing my entire net worth to bring neoslife to life — to ignite…
a new age of enlightenment
The world is crumbling: War, conflicts, polarisation, destruction of nature, moral decay, anxiety, depression and loneliness epidemics just to name a few. We have lost our way on a staggering scale.
Simultaneously, AI and robotics are taking over the world at unfathomable speed. Within a few years there will be close to no human task that technology cannot take care of. This means most of us will become - commercially speaking - useless.
Paired with financial wealth, land and power being consolidated by a small number of people and institutions, we have the ingredients for the perfect storm: A totalitarian one-world government controlled by money and technocrats where your money is programatically controlled (CBDCs) and you get your universal basic income (UBI) once you complied with their requirements. China is showing us the future.
But not all is lost. It’s darkest before dawn. Every challenge is equally an opportunity, an opportunity to change, grow and transform. Eighty years ago one man brought the world to its knees and in the process killed millions of people. But was it really just one man or was it the entire Western world, hundreds of million people standing by in quiet complicity until the very last moment when the horrors became so great that they could no longer ignore it?
We are finding ourselves at the outset of just such a grave moment again. And again it might be hard to see it without the benefit of hindsight — as it was when Hitler rose to power. Of course, it’s a very different situation but history doesn’t repeat itself but rhymes. Staying on the current path, we are moving towards an extinction level event for humanity at worst and the Hunger Games at best.
So what’s the opportunity? To wake up from our sleeping state and change the direction 180 degrees and create a new age of enlightenment. How? By massively raising our consciousness and changing our way of being. How? Be creating a new model on how to live that makes the current outdated and dysfunctional model obsolete. How? I encourage you to look into the mirror and ask yourself this question: What do I know to be right but ignore? What do I need to change? How do I need to show up differently?
what i am doing
“Don't fight the existing system; build a new system that makes the old system obsolete." — Buckminster Fuller
Here’s a 5 mins video sharing the vision (thank you Darius for capturing me):
We are building a fully self-sufficient village in Portugal. It will incorporate all what we know about how to live well, healthy and free amongst each other while enjoying all the riches life has to offer including the support to heal, evolve and thrive. I wrote about it in more detail here.
This is a big undertaking but imho more important than anything we have ever done. It is about building a modern day Noah’s Ark. This time it’s not a ship but land where we freely reimagine the way we live and remember what it means to be human.
To put my money where my mouth is, I am pledging my entire net worth of 600,000 Euro irrevocably to this project. I am “burning the boat” ensuring that this project will succeed and that I will leave no stone unturned to make it happen. Failure is not an option.
There is no better and more important investment than into our future. We are yearning to find a new way of being human. Let’s showcase the world that there’s a better way. We don’t have much time.
An incredible team has already come together to bring this vision to life. Here’s a look at just some of the people involved (in no particular order), new supporters are joining us every week.

To lay the foundation for a new perennial model for humanity, I foresee a structure with a Swiss foundation at the top and for-profit entities underneath that allows you to invest in what I expect to be a financially rewarding undertaking: High impact comes with high rewards. We are creating the New Earth Operating System for Life — NEOSLIFE. And the land, the “hardware” we found is spectacular.
Simultaneously, the foundation will be able to attract tax-deductible donations and NGO grants and ensure the vision will survive us all. This structure is inspired by OpenAI (see here) adapting it for what didn’t work including wisely choosing a vision-aligned, capable board of “elders”. Here’s a draft.
an invitation to reimagine being human
If you feel the calling to be part of reimagining how we live and to contribute to preventing suffering on an unforeseen scale, I invite you to get in touch. We are in the process of acquiring the land for which we need additional seed investors to bring this vision to life.
Here’s a glimpse of it from the air. It is literally made for neoslife, a new way of life. In my previous newsletter I shared more about this very special land.
Beyond investment, we are inviting individuals who are passionate about creating and operating this vision: Visionaries, architects, farmers, hospitality experts, marketing, operations, financing, structuring, administration, development, HR, legal, community… There will be things to do for everyone who identifies with the vision, is passionate and skilled and dreams of living in nature while enjoying all the benefits of a city surrounded by fellow dreamers and doers.
In its full development, we envisage around 1,000 people being simultaneously on the land (guests, day visitors, patients, staff and residents). Everything we need will be provided by our village plentiful so when the world locks down again, we continue as usual. The land even has an airstrip for small planes.
There’s so much more to say but I will stop here. Get in touch if this resonates. I am excited for you to be a part of building the future of humanity. Together, we have an opportunity to create something truly extraordinary.
If you would like to stay up to date, join our Telegram channel.
I am forever grateful to all the teachers on my journey that showed me the light and continuously give me the courage to see this vision through. You know who you are. I stand on the shoulders of giants. This would not be possible without you.
To a new beginning.
With much love
PS. Here’s neoslife’s genesis story and how my life’s journey lead me here.
Questions, ideas, suggestions or just want to connect, reply to this email.
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